Elections 2023

Town Elections will be held on April 25.  

The last day to register to vote is April 14.

Voting links:

Sample ballot online here

Where to vote:

  • Precincts 1 and 4 vote at the Wayland Town Building Gymnasium.
  • Precincts 2 and 3 vote at the Wayland Middle School Gymnasium.

Town Meeting:

LWV Town Issues Forum

Town Meeting Warrant


Website links and responses to request for Candidate Statements:

Website Links/ Candidate Statements Patch Profiles
Board of Selectmen
Dave Watkins (I) Dave Watkins Profile
Anne Brensley Anne Brensley Profile
William D. Whitney William D Whitney Profile
School Committee
Craig Gruber Craig Gruber Profile
Dovie King Dovie King Profile
Erin Mueller Erin Mueller Profile
Christina Rodrigo Christina Rodrigo Profile
Board of Assessors
Philip Parks (I) Philip Parks
Massimo Taurisano (I)
MaryAnn Wolfarth Maryann Wohlfarth Profile

LWV Candidates Night

WSPN Interviews with School Committee Candidates