- Email: dave@davewatkins.com
- Website: watkins4wayland.com
Town Service and Wayland Residence:
- 29+ Year Resident
- Husband and Father of 4 Children
- Vice Chair Select Board
Professional Career:
- Software Executive
Educational Background:
- University of Massachusetts BS Finance, Economics and Computer Science
Candidate Statement:
I am Dave Watkins and I am running for re-election to a second consecutive term on the Wayland Select Board where I currently serve as Vice Chair.
My wife Lilly and I moved to Wayland twenty-nine years ago attracted by the small-town charm, proximity to Boston and fine schools. We raised our four children here and proudly call Wayland home. Over the years it has been a privilege to give back to the community and share my experience in organizational management, finance, and human resource management acquired from successful entrepreneurial business ventures. I stand ready to continue my work moving Wayland forward with a clear blueprint for an effective town government structure under the new Town Manager form of government.
Prior to joining the Select Board, I served on the Finance Committee for six years (two years as its Chair). Before that, I was a member of the Economic Development Committee for three years. Each of those appointments provided significant insight into what works in our town government, and what we can do better from an operational and long-term planning perspective.
I know that like other Aaa bond-rated towns, Wayland needs a long-term strategic plan that anticipates needs, manages timing for expensive capital projects, systematizes priorities, and plans for funding large, new initiatives. Wayland cannot afford to allow the continuation of an outdated practice that supports one-off capital decisions based only on today’s inclinations. We need a prudently managed financial game plan for necessary municipal facilities and services for ALL segments of our population.
In the absence of an organized approach to capital and facilities planning, over the past ten years, on average, Wayland’s taxes increased by 40% (and will continue on that upward trajectory) while over the same period, total inflation in the United States was 25.7%. I will continue to lead the other members of the Select Board in working together toward a more organized approach for managing year-over-year spending increases.
Some accomplishments during my current term on the Select Board:
- Opened lines of communication to resolve long-standing legal challenges, among them, a settlement to acquire promised parcels of land so that the Council on Aging/Community Center could proceed.
- Focused on the need for athletic playing fields – authored three articles approved at 2021 Special Town Meeting to enable eventual construction of three multi-purpose natural grass fields.
- Significant progress toward achieving remote participation in Town Meeting – following a 2022 Annual Town Meeting vote, drafted a Special Act, worked to gain support of legislators and officials in other towns, and the proposal is currently moving through the Massachusetts legislature.
- Concentrated on the need to revitalize the Route 20 Corridor – distributed a town-side survey that led to hiring of consultants to work with the Planning Board on development of an achievable Master Plan for the area.
- Creation of a Capital Stabilization Fund – spearheaded creation of a state-sanctioned mechanism for setting aside money to be used for future capital projects and for unforeseen needs that arise.
- Hired the Town’s first permanent Town Manager – with the switch to a new recruiting firm, the Town had a wider, more diverse selection of candidates to choose from. Our new Town Manager Michael McCall has been on-board for less than two months but is taking charge and rising to the challenge of running the day-to-day operations of the Town.
I support transparency when governing, professional presentation of the facts and issues, prudent decision-making and respect for our neighbors. I know that the best results are obtained from encouraging vigorous discussion of issues and listening to diverse opinions.
I have consistently worked in the best interests of the entire community and am committed to finishing the many initiatives begun during my first term in office. With your support and vote we can fulfill those promises. I ask for your vote on or before April 25 to continue working for you.
Thank you.
Dave Watkins
For more detailed information on accomplishments so far, the issues, and what’s next, please visit https://www.Watkins4Wayland.com.