Sunday, June 2, 2024
1:00pm – 3:00pm
The commandment to remember echoes powerfully throughout our tradition. We are to remember the mitzvot in order to lead moral and ethical lives. We remember loved ones in order to honor them and learn from their actions. We remember our past so that it may shed light on our future. Memory is a potent force, constantly impacting our lives. Remembering cherished objects, events, or landscapes shapes our narratives about ourselves and our community. This opening will feature music, art, and poetry of our members that focuses on how our memories affect our lives. Refreshments will be provided. Come join us for an uplifting afternoon.
This event will take place at Beth El and via Zoom. It is sponsored by the Beth El Art Collaborative. More details on our website: https://www.bethelsudbury.org/events/join-us-for-the-opening-of-lmaan-tizkru-the-art-of-memory-exhibit/