Town of Wayland Provides Update on Traffic Changes in Town Center Area Following Legal Settlement

The Town of Wayland shares the following update about traffic flow changes around Glezen Lane and the area surrounding Wayland Town Center stemming from a legal settlement.

To comply with the terms of the settlement, the Town recently installed signage and other traffic measures, which include:

  • Reinstalling the timed turn restriction signs as called for under an original court judgment from 2008. This includes signs alerting drivers that there is no access to the Wayland Town Center from Concord Road, and that they may not turn left from Glezen Lane to Sudbury Road/Route 27.
  • Continuing routine patrol enforcements of these traffic restrictions. Emergency vehicles are exempt from turn restrictions.
    Maintaining the right to measure traffic volumes to determine the level of traffic calming measures as detailed in the original judgment.
  • The Town has been involved in litigation and settlement discussions since 2008 regarding concerns raised by David and Kathleen Bernstein and 11 other residents about increased traffic on Glezen Lane from the development of Wayland Town Center.

A court judgment in 2008 required the Town to implement a comprehensive traffic mitigation program to mitigate traffic on Glezen Lane, which included increased signage that directed operators where to drive. Signage enacted through the original judgment was removed in 2015 to conduct a traffic study following a court-granted motion.

To resolve the protracted and expensive legal battle and avoid the uncertainty of a trial and further appeals, the Town and the Bernsteins reached a settlement on May 31, 2022.


2 thoughts on “Town of Wayland Provides Update on Traffic Changes in Town Center Area Following Legal Settlement

  1. I thought this was originally done because the town expected large crowds from surrounding towns to visit the Town Center. Clearly, that never happened. So why continue the inconvenience for Waylanders?

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