Technology Technology Information Exchange, Thursday, April 15, 7pm at Wayland Middle School Auditorium

An Invitation from Leisha Simon, Wayland’s Director of Technology Technology Information Exchange – Thursday, April 15, 7:00 PM Wayland Middle School Auditorium

        As a Director of Technology for the Wayland Public Schools, it is essential that I understand the community’s interest in moving our schools forward as technology-rich learning environments. It is equally important that I can explain what our schools look like today and where they are headed in the 21st Century, where teaching and learning are richly enhanced by technology. In an effort to learn from community residents while also sharing our work related to technology within the Wayland schools, I will be hosting a Technology Information Exchange on Thursday, April 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Wayland Middle School Auditorium. I will start this exchange with a brief overview of the daily use of technology within the Wayland schools and will also review our instructional goals. Other members of the technology staff will share examples of student work and demonstrate how the use of technology has changed both the roles of teachers and students within our classrooms.

        As a Wayland administrator and educational leader, it is my responsibility to support the mission of the district through collaborative efforts with other district administrators, the instructional staff, our students, their parents, and, of course, the School Committee. More specifically, I am responsible for implementing a shared vision for technology-rich instruction that, by design, will meet the expanding needs of 21st Century learners. To this end, I work closely with the Instructional Technology Specialists and classroom instructors in each school. Our collective goal is to provide students with a standards-based curriculum that is delivered by a well-trained staff and differentiated instructional techniques. The focus is to equip students with the literacy, communication, and technology skills necessary to succeed in a global society that is highly interconnected through technology. The input of parents and other community residents will be invaluable in crafting specific grade level and building goals.
        For those who haven’t met me yet, I have been an educator and staff trainer for 26 years. I first worked in the high-tech software industry as a training consultant/entrepreneur, and more recently as a teacher and administrator in a neighboring public school district. I have an undergraduate degree in Business Education, and my graduate degree is in Instructional Technology. My passion, focus and drive center on changing instructional techniques to better meet the needs of today’s students. Improving classroom pedagogy in the 21st Century is the key to this work as the proper and innovative use of technology will transform our schools and classrooms. 
        I look forward to the evening of April 15 as an opportunity to tell residents about our use of technology, but, more importantly, to gather ideas and input as to where we should be headed. Please join me and other members of the Technology Department for this informal gathering.
        Thank you.

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