2024 Dog Registration

Per Town Bylaw Section 91-2 (8), effective December 1st, the registration has started for the 2024 dog registration.  Letters and emails were distributed December 1,2023.  If you currently have a dog and did not get a letter or email from the Town Clerk’s Office, please use this link to register your dog.  The letter describes several way to register your dog(s).  Please be advised we are now working with a different vendor.  During the migration of the information from one program to another, we have discovered a few glitches.  If you encounter one, we apologize and please reach out to our office so we can help you navigate the dog registration process.  For any questions or concerns, please call 508-358-3630 or email townclerk@wayland.ma.us

Photo by Mia Anderson on Unsplash


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