Have you ever thought about tutoring someone in English? Most people who decide to become tutors are thinking of the good it can do, helping others become more proficient in English and better able to cope with employment, landlords, schools or the medical profession. But then they discover the rewards, the satisfaction that comes as progress is made and a relationship develops that enriches both learner and tutor. Tutors often speak of their pleasure in learning about another culture and their greater appreciation of the challenges facing those who are adapting to ours.
Because of the constant demand for tutoring, all available tutors are now working with students, and the next tutor-training course has been scheduled. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program directors Ginny Steel and Jane Albert are currently enrolling prospective tutors for the five-session course that starts on October 18. The class will meet on five consecutive Wednesday evenings 6:00–9:00. The first four class sessions will meet virtually, via Zoom, and the last one will in person, at the Wayland Library. Class dates this fall are October 18, and 25, and November 1, 8 and 15.
No prior knowledge of a foreign language is needed, just an openness to other cultures and the desire to share your knowledge of English. The training is free, although it is necessary to purchase a textbook for about $40.
Tutors will be prepared to work with their learners either remotely or in person. Tutors now are using Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, telephone and email as they “meet” with their learners and enjoy both success and personal connection.
For more information or to enroll in the tutor-training course, you can phone Ginny Steel at 508-358-7517 or email her at virginia@thesteels.com.