In light of the recent resignation of a School Committee member, the Wayland Select Board and the remaining members of the Wayland School Committee shall temporarily appoint someone to fill this vacant position. The term of this temporary appointment will expire at the conclusion of the 2024 Annual Town Election. The procedure is governed by Wayland School Committee Policy BBBE and Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Chapter 41, Section 11.
The Town of Wayland is currently accepting letters of interest from registered voters of the town who are interested in serving on the School Committee for this brief period. Interested parties should submit a letter of interest and resume to be received by 4:00 p.m. on May 31, 2023 to the Select Board, either in person at the Town Manager’s office located at Town Hall, 41 Cochituate Road, Wayland, MA 01778, or via email to ccostello@wayland.ma.us
The Select Board and School Committee will hold a joint meeting to appoint one of the applicants on June 5 at 7:30pm.