Wayland couple leaves $75 million gift to Boston College

Boston Globe 9/2/21: Boston College receives record $75 million donation. Boston College has received a $75 million donation, the largest in school history, from the estate of Joyce and Paul Robsham, whose son attended Boston College before dying in a car accident. The gift, which was to be announced on Thursday, will provide funding for a number of projects, including financial aid and the maintenance of the Robsham Theater Arts Center, said Jim Husson, BC’s vice president for university advancement.

BC.edu Robshams’ $75M estate gift largest in University history. Boston College has received an estimated $75 million gift from the estate of Joyce L. and E. Paul Robsham M.Ed.’83—the largest estate gift in University history, which will provide funding for a range of core University priorities including student scholarships, academic programming, facilities improvements, and operation of the Robsham Theater Arts Center.

Forbes 9/3/21: Record Gifts Received By Boston College, University Of Massachusetts, And Montana State University.  Three universities received the largest private donations in their respective histories this past week. The record levels of philanthropy were reported at Boston College, the University of Massachusetts System and Montana State University. Boston College received a gift estimated at $75 million from the estate of Joyce L. and E. Paul Robsham. Mr. Robsham, a real estate developer, was an alum of Boston College. Joyce was a leading owner of thoroughbred horses. In  it was the largest estate gift in its history.

Wayland Town Crier 9/2/21: Wayland couple leaves $75 million gift to Boston College. The estate of Wayland couple Joyce L. and E. Paul Robsham has left Boston College an estimated $75 million gift, the largest estate gift in the university’s history. The money will fund a range of core university priorities including student scholarships, academic programming, facilities improvements and operation of the Robsham Theater Arts Center, Boston College announced Thursday.


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