Help Provide Holiday Cheer for Families Affected by Domestic Violence

Each year, the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable sponsors a family from a local domestic violence agency for the holidays. Families in shelter for the holidays face a sad and difficult time as they are separated from family and friends and are hiding from their abusers. They may feel lonely and consider returning to friends and family to celebrate the holidays. However, visiting friends and family places them at high risk as abusers typically look for them at relatives’ homes especially during the holidays. As they begin to face the reality of their situation, the families may begin to be overwhelmed with sadness for what they no longer have and can no longer hope for. It can be a time of painful revelation. Focusing on providing a happy time for their children in shelter often helps the mothers get through this painful time of personal loss.

With the help of the community, families in shelter can have happy holidays. The outpouring of generosity from individuals, families, businesses, faith communities, scouts, book groups and local civic organizations can relieve the stress and depression that overcomes shelter families at this time of year. The support that comes from the community at this time of year reinforces their decisions to seek safety and end violence in their lives. Each gift, each donation, each wish of goodwill has a positive effect on their self-esteem. They are moved by the fact that complete strangers whom they have never met are so caring.

The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable invites our local communities to become involved in making the holidays brighter for families affected by domestic violence, those living in shelter and transitional housing, and those who have moved on from shelter and transitional housing to rebuild their lives in our communities.

reach-logoThree local agencies offer services and programs for families affected by domestic violence. They are REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, The Second Step, and Voices Against Violence. All of these agencies need your help to provide happy holidays and to meet the ongoing needs of families who have been victims of domestic violence. All of these programs conduct a holiday drive as well as collections throughout the year to meet the needs of their clients. At a time when all of us are faced with higher fuel and utility bills, these families face increasingly difficult challenges to their obtaining self-sufficiency. Won’t you please help?

There are a number of ways that you can help. Sponsoring a family can be a wonderful way for you and your family to do something together to help others. You can match yourselves with a smaller family or invite your relatives, friends, and colleagues to join you in sponsoring a larger family. For those who cannot sponsor a family, gift cards to retail stores for food, clothing, and other necessities are welcome. Popular stores include Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, CVS, Target, and Stop and Shop. Wrapping paper, ribbon and tape are also needed. Or neighborhoods and organizations may do a drive for items needed throughout the year, items like food, new sheets, towels, paper goods, cleaning products, and toiletries. Helping hands are also needed to serve as elves and reindeer. Whatever you can do to help is greatly appreciated.

For further information about how you might help, please contact:




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