Eldridge to address climate change in Wayland presentation

Jamie Eldridge

Jamie EldridgeWayland Town Crier 2/18/14: Eldridge to address climate change in Wayland presentation. State Sen. Jamie Eldridge, D-Acton, will speak on government and climate change on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 107 Concord Road, Wayland.  Among the questions to be addressed are: What is the status of current climate-change related bills in the state Legislature (such as divestment and carbon tax)? What will it take to make them law? What motivates legislators to move forward on a bill? Given the urgency of climate change, what is the best strategy for success? How does Massachusetts enhance its leadership role on climate for the country? How do we connect our work with the rest of the world?


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