Wayland High boys’ soccer has teamed up for a turnaround

Boston Globe 10/6/13: Wayland High boys’ soccer has teamed up for a turnaround. Wayland is a subtle town; more friendly than intimidating, really. It’s a place where supermarkets like Donelan’s have withstood the test of time. Children ride bicycles along the roads while brilliant, ageless pines guard each side like soldiers clearing a path for the president. On the short drive from the Mass. Pike to the high school, there are four streets named after trees, one named after a land formation (Ravine Road), and one named after a body of water (Lake Road). Every now and then something big and illustrious catches the eye. But somehow, in Wayland, these things always seem to fit in. A shiny new house with a three-car garage greets neighbors with as much charisma as the split-level ranch next door. And the people, they seem to abide by the same set of rules. So too do the high school’s athletic teams.

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