Parmenter’s held its first annual Camp Erin, a bereavement camp for children

CE JSMartin_081713_6518_WebSomething incredibly special happened on a beautiful August weekend at Camp Bauercrest, in Amesbury, MA. Parmenter Community Health held its first annual Camp Erin® Boston, a bereavement camp for 55 children ages 6-17 who have suffered the loss of someone close to them. At Camp, each child was paired with a Buddy – a volunteer trained in children’s bereavement by Parmenter’s professional staff. College students, teachers, retirees and individuals from all walks of life came together to make this an incredible experience for these children. As one volunteer said, on a scale of 1 to 10, this Camp is about 110!

Each Camper was effectively paired with a volunteer Buddy. The Buddies accompanied the Campers throughout the weekend, supporting them in their grief activities and sharing experiences such as star-gazing, drumming circles, boating, science experiments, baseball and basketball games, dancing and endless fun. The setting was lovely and the connections made created a sense of safety and security. As one Camper said, “Camp Erin helped me to learn how strong I am and that there are so many young girls like me . . . I’ve learned that there are more hard days to come and I can take time out to go to a happy place” (age 17).

One of the most touching events was led by volunteer Nick Miller. Nick adapted a song by David Brunetti. The name of each Camper’s loved one and a memory about that person was woven into the song. The song was sung as each child placed a Remembering Candle on a float at sunset. When all the candles were in place, the beautiful float was towed out onto the still waters of Lake Attitash.

Camp Erin is the result of a partnership between Parmenter and The Moyer Foundation. Parmenter Community Health has a twenty year history of offering children’s bereavement services. Founded by Major League baseball pitcher Jamie Moyer and his wife, Karen, the Moyer Foundation’s mission is to help children in distress. Camp Erin is provided at no charge to Campers and their families. Although the Moyer Foundation helps support some of Camp Erin’s costs, Parmenter must raise additional funds. For information about making a donation to support this important service to our communities, please call Cindy Mayher, Executive Director, The Parmenter Foundation at 508-358-3000 x233.



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