Vandals destroy holiday decorations in Wayland

WHDH-TV 1/6/11: Vandals destroy holiday decorations in Wayland. (with Video) In Wayland, the holidays may be over, but a Grinch is still at work. Decorations on several homes ruined by a vandal, and that's not all. Pat Kadlik’s inflatable holiday wonderland that she and her brother have created in front of their Wayland home for four decades was ruined, and it’s not just the decorations that were deflated. “Just heartbroken. We don’t want to have the kids prosecuted. Whoever did it, we just want them to come forward, pay for the damages they have done,” said Kadlik. They are a vandal or group of vandals who slashed apart the Kadlik’s display, smashed a nativity scene in front of St. Zepherin’s Church, and smashed up a number of cars in the neighborhood. Kadlik only wants to be repaid. "We’re not gonna punish everybody just for the pranksters that did this because there’s just way too many people that come by," said Kadlik. Deflated but not defeated. "To see all the people come down and hear all the kids laughing, getting so excited, it just makes you feel good," said Kadlik. The incident happened on Saturday, New Year’s night. Kadlik would like to see the vandals get community service, and Wayland police are asking for the public’s help in finding whoever is responsible for the vandalism.

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