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Plant a Pollinator Garden

January 17, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

On Wed. Jan. 17 at 10 a.m., join Wayland’s Native Plant Ambassador Jean Milburn in the Town’s Large Hearing Room and learn to “winter sow” seeds for native pollinator plants.

A beautiful yard full of native plants that support local bees, butterflies, and other pollinators begins in tiny seeds planted during the cold winter months. Learn about the benefits of choosing native flowering plants for your yard or garden. Then, plant seeds in milk-jug “greenhouses” where they will germinate until ready for separating and planting in the spring. Bring four clear gallon-sized milk jugs and a box to carry them home in. Soil, seeds, and instructions will be provided. We will also have some milk jugs available. Registration is required, $10 per person. Contact the COA at coa@wayland.ma.us or 508-358-2990 to sign up.

This workshop is offered at four times on this date by four different organizations. If you are not able to attend the COA’s program at 10am, you are welcome to register at another time on a space-available basis.

Here is the registration contact info for each workshop
10 am COA 508-358-2990 coa@wayland.ma.us
12 Noon Garden Club. Pam Mauer mauerwayl@aol.com
2 pm Sudbury Valley Trustees. https://svtprograms.funraise.org/


January 17, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Event Category: