News and Information for Wayland
As we count through the Omer, the seven weeks between the 2nd day of Pesach and Shavuot (receiving Torah – and the first barley harvest!), we do some spring cleanup in our physical environments and in n’fashot, our souls. Join Cantor Vera Broekhuysen of Congregation Beth El and Jane Maloney and Dana Baxter of the Sudbury Valley Trustees for an afternoon of pulling up invasive plants and planting some new Torah inside ourselves, with song and discussion, at Wolbach Farm. Wear comfy clothes; bring water, something to keep the sun off of your head and sunscreen, and your willingness to sweat and sing! This program is co-sponsored by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, Ma’yan Tikvah, and Congregation Beth El and is supported by the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River Stewardship Council. RSVP at