- Always a Traveler, Never a Tourist. An intrepid traveler for more than 50 years, Judy Bloomberg offers a world tour through her photos of her most exotic destinations on all seven continents (and the people who inhabit them), along with insights and anecdotes about traveling off the beaten path. From colorful festivals like the Goroka Show in Papua New Guinea and Carnival in Rio, to daily life in places like Lake Titicaca and rural Ethiopia, these photographs beautifully capture the amazing diversity of peoples who inhabit our planet. Register through our Events menu. Tuesday, March 15 at 7 p.m.
- New Things. Our Library of Things has some useful recent additions. Use the cassette converter to turn your old tapes into mp3 files. The thermal leak detector can help you save on your energy bills. And we’ve bought a second digital slide converter to keep up with demand. Make the most of them!
- Tax Forms Are Here. Please take only one of each. If you need additional forms or schedules, the Reference Librarian will be happy to print them for you, free.
- ESOL Tutors Needed. It doesn’t matter if you don’t speak a foreign language or have never taught before. Once you complete the Library-sponsored training course, you’re ready for what could be a wonderfully rewarding relationship. The course for this winter/spring will be on Zoom, from 2-5 p.m. on five consecutive Wednesday afternoons: March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. For more information or to enroll, contact Ginny Steel at 508-358-7517 or virginia@thesteels.com.
- Evening. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Contact btuttle@minlib.net for the Zoom link. Monday, March 7 at 7 p.m.
- Cookbook Club. The Flavor Equation by Nik Sharma. Contact shogan@minlib.net for the Zoom link. Thursday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m.
- Noon. The End of the Affair by Graham Greene. Contact amoore@minlib.net for the Zoom link. Friday, March 10.
- Social Justice. Cassandra Speaks: When Women Are the Story, the Story Changes by Elizabeth Lesser. Contact cmichael@minlib.net for the Zoom link. Monday, March 21 at 7 p.m.
- NEW SHELVING COMING TO THE CHILDREN’S ROOM! We are excited to announce that the Children’s Room will be getting new moveable shelving in early March. The Children’s Room will be closed for a few days during the first week of March when the new shelving will be installed. The inconvenience will be temporary and short, and the result will be well worth it. Please bear with us.
- Indoor Storytimes with Ms. Carly. Join Ms. Carly in the library for storytime! Children and their caregivers will listen to stories, sing songs, and perform fun rhymes and movements. We will meet in the Round Room on the main floor of the library. For babies through preschool age children, with caregivers. Attendance is limited. Masks must be worn by everyone ages 2+. Registration required! If you are waitlisted you have the option of viewing the storytime from home via Zoom. If you prefer to view the storytime via Zoom, please email Carly at cmoniz@minlib.net. You can register here or from our online eventkeeper calendar. Tuesdays, March 8, March 15, March 22, and March 29 at 10:30 a.m.
- Indoor Storytime with Ms. Pam. Join Ms. Pam in the library for stories, songs, puppets, and activities. We will meet in the Round Room on the main floor of the library. For ages 2.5 to 5 years with an adult. Attendance is limited. Masks must be worn by everyone ages 2+. Registration required! If you are waitlisted you have the option of viewing the storytime from home via Zoom. If you prefer to view the storytime via Zoom, please email Pam at pmccuen@minlib.net. You can register here or from our online eventkeeper calendar. Thursdays, March 10, March 17, March 24, and March 31 at 10:30 a.m.
- Cats and Dogs: Zoom Storytime with Ms. Elise. Join Ms. Elise for stories about cats and dogs! For ages 4 and up. Please register HERE for the zoom link. Wednesday, March 9, at 3 p.m.
- Cats and Lions: Indoor Storytime with Ms. Elise. Join Ms. Elise back in the library for stories about cats and lions! We will meet in the Raytheon Room. For ages 4 years with an adult. Attendance is limited. Masks must be worn by everyone ages 2+. Registration required! Please register HERE or from our online eventkeeper calendar. Wednesday, March 16 at 3 p.m.
- 4th/5th Grade Book Club. We will be discussing Shine by J.J. Grabenstein and Chris Grabenstein. We will meet in the Teen Loft. Register HERE or online from our eventkeeper calendar. For 4th and 5th graders. Questions or to get a copy of the book email Pam at pmccuen@minlib. Tuesday, March 22 at 7 p.m.
- Lego Club. Children will make fabulous creations out of legos. This month’s theme: Awesome Bridges! We will meet in the Raytheon Room. For ages 5 and up, with caregivers. Attendance is limited. Masks must be worn by everyone ages 2+. Registration required! Please register HERE or from our online eventkeeper calendar. Wednesday, Mar 23, at 3 p.m.
- Secret life of Pets: Indoor Storytime with Ms. Elise. What does your pet do when you are out? Join Ms. Elise back in the library for stories about the antics pets can get up to when left alone. We will meet in the Raytheon Room. For ages 4 years with an adult. Attendance is limited. Masks must be worn by everyone ages 2+. Registration required! Please register HERE or from our online eventkeeper calendar. Wednesday, March 30 at 3 p.m.
- Magic the Gathering. Teens! Play Magic the Gathering with your friends! Bring your own Magic Cards or use ours. Experienced players and newbies welcome. For teens in grades 6 and up. This event will take place in the Teen Loft. Please register for one or both! Fridays, March 11 and March 25.
- Teen Crafternoon: Book Hedgehogs. Stop by for a crafty afternoon and make a Book Hedgehog. Bring a friend or drop by on your own. Feel free to bring other crafting projects you’re working on. We will meet in the Teen Loft. For teens in grades 6-12. Please register HERE. Thursday, March 17, 4 p.m.
- Teen Advisory Board Meeting. Teens! We want to hear from you! What kinds of library programs would you enjoy? What materials and services would you like from your public library? Please come to our Teen Advisory Board Meeting and let us know. You can earn Community Service hours for attending the meeting AND there will be plenty of free ARC’s (advanced readers’ copies of books). We will meet in the Teen Loft. Please register HERE or online from our eventkeeper calendar. Monday, March 21, at 4 p.m.